Green Rope

Dolly rope is the most found pollution on the Dutch shorelines
Dolly rope is used in demersal fisheries to protect the net from wear and tear caused by contact with the seabed. The use of regular (nondegradable) dollyrope is heavily debated internationally, a debate recently strengthened by the developments regarding the EU Single Use Plastics Directive.
Senbis has developed a marine degradable solution
The product development was started after Senbis received a request from the dolly rope free project.
This biodegradable dollyrope (more specifically, biologically degradable in seawater) has been tested by five fishing vessels in the first few months of 2020. This test has been carried out by VisNed on behalf of the Dutch Government Agency Rijkswaterstaat.
Dolley rope is based on raw materials that biodegrade in seawater. Senbis will perform a biodegradability test in accordance with ISO14851. The Senbis biodegradable dollyrope is already commercially available on large scale.
Picture on the left: Conventional dolly rope (orange) as compared to GreenRope (yellow)

Biodegrades in marine water
The raw materials of the dollyrope are biodegradable in sea water. Senbis will perform a biodegradation test of the final product in accordance with ISO14851.
Two times improved
fiber resistance
The testers and microscopic study confirm little evidence of ruptures, rips and wear. However, the strength of the biodegradable dollyrope is reduced by 18% in 18 weeks, which proves there is bacterial activity leading to degradation.
We provide sustainable polymer solutions
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Available through Senbis Sustainable Products
GreenRope can be directly ordered at Senbis Sustinable Products. For more information, please contact us directly.